Complete diet/exercise advice is too lengthy of a topic to spit out here but others have given good advice already here so i'll just add general advice here, feel free to PM me with questions.

Body Mass Index is a decent tool to use in finding out how much you should weigh. Just do a google search for "BMI" and you'll find endless sites with a BMI calculator on it. Typically the only time the calculator is off is if you have alot of muscle mass on you which means you're someone who lifts weights 5+ days a week, week after week and you train for mass.

If you see that you're 20+ lbs overweight then i'd suggest focusing on just losing weight at first, then once close to your proper weight adjust your focus to muscle building as well as fat loss.

Losing weight is calorie reduction, pills/supplements dont come near to producing the results you can get simply by truly reducing your caloric intake the old fashion way... skipping meals or turning a meal you'd normally have into instead just a protein shake. Judging by your previous messages you dont have the money to blow on supplements anyway. It's a multi-million dollar industry, lots of misleading marketing and fake claims, even if you had the money i'd still suggest limiting supplement use.

I'll end with my friend's example of dieting which worked for him, you can follow it if you wish or just take it as evidence that even one as drastic as his works and can be maintained.

For Breakfast and Lunch he ate only 2 whole boiled eggs (or fry them if you wish) and water or some other zero calorie drink.
Dinner was a medium sized salad with 8oz chicken breast. No salad dressing (30 calorie or less salad dressing could be used if you must)

That's it, he did that for two months straight day after day. 1st month he lost around 20lbs and second month he lost around 15lbs. He never went to the gym during this time.

That's alot of money saved on food with a diet like that, LOL. You eat like that for two months and your reward will be having the money to play the newest MMO's (AOC and DF!)

I personally wanted to trim about 5% bodyfat off of me when i'm already in great shape but the same sort of tactic works still. I've turned my breakfast and lunch into very small meals and or just a protein shake and then my dinner is large and I drink two protein shakes at other times during the day. The big dinner and shakes are because I work out daily and want to build muscle while losing fat. Been doing it for a week and i'm liking the results and I don't feel that hungry.

"It's not enough to win... others have to lose."
-Stephen Colbert 'Colbert Report'
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