Glad to see that you have gotten that situation worked out. My eldest daughter tried something like this and it turned into a mess that took her awhile and some wailing and gnashing of teeth to resolve...

As for part 2 I would suggest considering it what I call a "Life Style change"... eating right is definitely part of the equation but also do not always deny yourself that occasional cookie or other treat you like. But with that said a balanced diet is only part of the equation. Aerobic activity is also important, how you do it is strictly up to you (hiking, bike riding, running). But also consider weight lifting which brings benefits that a lot of folks do not consider... first with more muscle you will have a higher resting metabolic rate (more muscle means burning more calories) so it makes it easier to lose/maintain weight... you will also naturally have more strength which will make tons of stuff easier to do... done correctly it is good for joints and bones and you learn a lot about your body structure. It is important to be careful when lifting/exercising to protect against injuries so if you are new to the whole workout scene start slow, light, always use correct form and stretch out before, during, and after working out... keep flexible. Feel free to ask any questions you have or pm if you like.