First I will give you the serious response and then I'll give you something along the lines of the not so serious response. This is so you don't consider the idea that your situation only needs a half hearted response which it doesn't because I'm sure its plagueing the crap out of you.

Philosophical Idea:(Note spelling)
At this point, you've probably already done alot of thinking and with speculation comes alot of forseen painful endevaours and with that, anxiety at the coming trials and tribulations. But you have to think about what you really want to do. Measure yourself. Focus on all the previous problems you have had in your life and decide if you have been strong during those times. If you determine that you have the strength to stand up and help your friend in her time of need(hopefully this is the first time that this has happened to her)then be there for her, when her boyfriend obviously was not. It's a shame that a great percentage of America has found ways to live without working but thats for another story. Her boyfriend most likely wants to piggy back ride her finances which in this case means your finances spelledbackwards. Or he truly cares for her. Slim chance of that. Theres also some other factor we arn't taking into account because of lack of information. Anyway, if you decide you truly have the strength, determination and fortitude(which really they all mean the same thing) then tell youll friend youll help her get back on her feet. Maybe she slipped. People many times misunderstand credit cards, believing that they are free money and are unaware that credit card companies bank on this idea to make money, simply because it isn't. However if you find that you do not have the strength for this then do not do it. And it's okay because that's normal. It's normal for the limits of some people to be different from others. It isn't something you should blame yourself for because it's not something you can control to a certain extent. If you really wish to care for your friend and you do not know exactly how far you are willing to go for her then the most resopnsible thing you can do is find out and determine for yourself where your strength lies. Because if you rush this and decide to gun-ho your patience and try to help her when you really do not want to. You will hurt her more when you blow up in her face and yell her problems to her then when you tell her you want to get out of this situation because you don't want to see her this way. It is possible that she might not like you very much after you leave her alone with her problems but it all depends on her level of maturity and ability of forsight. Right now the best thing you can do is look within yourself and find out what it is that you want to do for her. I commend you if you decide to help her and I commend you if you decide to sum up the courage to tell her you want to get out before you hurt her more. I hope things turn for the better for you. If you think things through, they usually do.

Not so serious idea;
Profess your love for the girl if your not already hitched. This will invovle a serious confrontation with her, and her boyfriend. Devise a plan where you get rid of the boyfriend because he finds both of you in bed. If you have too many childhood memories with her. Then profess your love for her boyfriend this will most likely result in them moving out, in which case you can find another hawt sexy friend to live with. Or youll get socked in the face. If nothing works abandon all your responsibilities and let them pick up the slack.