You are just proving my point.

Even if "tea party" reference being made here was not the most retarded thing I have ever seen you say, "9/12 project" , "Educating about Constitution" , "take the country back" and many more were also flagged. Oh, and the original "tea party" was a protest of tax laws. Which indirectly led this continent to not being ruled by the the British Empire.

Modern Tea Party was a response to handing the house over to the investment banksters, not actually a tax protest per se.

Honestly, that so many people like you - including most of the US political strata that calls itself "left" ( and I phrase this deliberately, as a plurality of the US "left" positions actually have nothing in common with actual progressive politics of empowerment ) are not only OK with, but seek to justify IRS behavior simultaneously justifies and illustrates why govt, especially a govt run by your allies will never have the trust of discerning people.

That the most pernicious arm of govt would not only be overtly intrusive in its questioning, politically selective, and then turn around and leak that confidential info to friendly media all with the open endorsement of leftists just shows why there can never be any compromise.

See I do think this is a watershed moment. Will it take down Obama? Probably not.

The watershed is that a lot of people who were already skeptical and distrustful of govt , which includes most moderates and centrists, see the true colors of the US political left.

The damage will be done, not by the scandal itself. But rather by the reaction of the coastal liberal elites to the scandal. How can you trust people who want expansive new govt programs and powers, when they openly advocate using the most intrusive powers of govt as political tools?

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)