I asked about that as well Jet. Since a fair percentage of us have since lost either our Station Accounts that the original PS1 subscription was on, or have had our toons purged in the years on non-activity.

It was indicated that the original purchase date of the game will not matter. It is going to only be a check to see if you have purchased it or not. So those of us who bought the game when it was on sale for 10 bucks to replace our original PS1 accounts are not going to get screwed.

There were over 120k PS1 accounts during the last 9 years. Currently PlanetSide2 is "liked" or "followed" by some 23K+ people. Add to that an essentially 5 buck beta key with the mag, then approx 30k at Fan Faire last year, and you are talking about a pool of 200k+ people who could be flagged as "priority" for a first stage beta that will probably only be 10-15K invites.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!