Originally Posted By: Arkh
At first I was like "shit, my european hours prevent me from playing with the gang during the week".
Then I read about rotating accounts. And even alone during the week I'd blast those 10H/week of gameplay easily. So if some account can be shared with someone playing early morning for you, I'd go bonkers if picked.

Also: you rox Tas, but come get some action in BF3.

No one will be excluded from the opportunity to participate. One we know more and can understand what is being asked of us we can then move forward. The only thing to this point that I ask that you actually participate on as much of as an active basis as you can or are willing to commit.

I just wanted to share that we (Drakiis, Donk, and Itchy have committed a lot of time and effort as well)have been working to gain the Clan as much access as we can. I even put the troll voodoo down and have sucked it up and played nice on the unofficial community website Planetside Universe.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!