Well..we all know you win some and you lose some. It's how you analyze your mistakes afterwards though that make you better. Although I was reluctant to make this post, as the former GM of Anger Management/The Dark Knights I merged that guild to be here(losing some good players in the process) I'm going to make damn sure everything is being said that needs to regardless if that changes some people's view of me.

When I was finally able to sit down at the pc during kid's nap time, the city was already being overrun and the bank was in the process of being locked down and cannons were already deployed shooting at the guard tower. So everything I say is in relation to after that point (both in vent and in game).

Come on guys...WTF were you thinking? Why do the same coward move that Hyperion did? KGB should be better than that...regardless if we lose the city or not. There is no way you can justify this without losing face...period

Although I personally had some good fights and never lost gear, Our overall attempt at defense was pathetic at best. We were unorganized, unprepared and lacked any signs of a coordinated group effort. The incident at Pain's hamlet where we left darka's group die because we had zero leadership communication was pathetic. We almost had another incident when we ran into the RN group and leadership was unable to quickly give commands to whether to fight or run...luckily in that incident we fought.

This was a better fight.. not sure if it was due to the fact that Blood just suck, numbers, simpler combat in hamlets, or better leadership. Every KGB member should have been there though..and I know we had others online doing there own thing during this.

1. Frontline battle commanders don't work. They should be surverying the field..rallying troops..relaying commands..etc
2. The Zerg Rush is not going to work against an organized force.
3. We had major communication failures by leadership.
4. We had major communication failures by the grunts(Salochin please stfu next time).
5. We had Zero push on the other forces at Andruk.

1. Get a Battle/Defense Plan together next out some points of when you bark out commands people know exactly where your talking about.
2. Split KGB out from the zerg..we get mixed in with all these other fuckers and then have no coordination between the forces or even our own group hardly.
3. Split KGB out from the zerg...seriously..even when we move together..there should only be KGB or same vent channel people in that mass.. the other fuckers can ride 20 feet to our least have some seperation.
4. PRACTICE!!!! We should have had mock seiges against COTP or some other ally way before this shit took place.
5. Don't naked zerg with just one guy... go rally up up..get 10 others..and do a fuckin coordinated naked zerg.
6. Rally the troops at a POI and get organized before commands are given to push a certain area.
7. If we are fighting against AOE.. then split out with your group and get a coordinated push from multiple sides.
8. Focus fire...
9. Call for melee..and when the call is made..stop ranging our guys in the back.
10. Call for range..and when the call is made..dont run in there like a fukin fool (unless it's tactically planned)
11. Build a line... how many times did you shoot an ally in the back?..or even know what guild you were shooting at?