1) You're in the right if you're KGB or an ally.
2) You're in the wrong if you're not KGB or an ally.
3) KGB membership with a demonstrated commitment to your brethren within this guild separates, period.

I AM my brother's keeper and to this I am committed. How I interact with others is entirely dependent upon them. Do unto me as you wish me to do unto you and all those other jazzy cliches!



Honor leads us, no IT DEMANDS that we stand up for those in the right, REGARDLESS OF CONSEQUENCE (which is why red=dead and the UO flagging system was stupid as shit)

1. Who are "those in the right."?

2. More importantly, who are "those in the wrong"?

3. What separates "those in the right" from "those in the wrong"? And no, a one-word-answer with the word "honor" or other abstraction won't cut it here. I'd like to see some substantial examples.

Thank you.