Combat flagging provides one of the most important things ever implemented in an MMO, it stops *bitches* from attacking and simply running into a safe zone,logging out, or using any other game mechanic that would render them untouchable for their transgression. Combat flagging allows retribution; such as in the case of UO, I'm not sure if UO was always this way--but if you stole from someone, you would be attackable by that person until such time as the victim killed you. In other words--combat flagging is a vehicle for player driven justice. End of story. That is the only true purpose of combat flagging in it's original usage. It isn't complicated. We all know who who does what. If for whatever a reason a griefer needs to die but is technically innocent, don't be a sissy, kill him anyway. Combat flagging only stops the bitches that can't handle a real fight and allows player driven justice. How is any of that negative? The Punisher knows it's true, he doesn't care and will handle that griefer, he's not a sissy. With that said--Batman is gay anyway

Besides, it's not Red vs. Blue, people only made it that way. It's blue holding the option to attack or not based on his or her own prejudice and the red defending the cause that made him go red to begin with or killing the blue in the manner the red turned red to begin with, if that is his thing.

The mere presence of a red did not automatically cause a fight, unless you were a dumb "anti-pk" whatever that is. Don't even get me started on Anti's.. these guys look for fights more than the actual PK's. They don't defend anything except their self righteous motives to kill more than the guys they hunt down.

It's a bunch of symantic BS anyway. You kill when you have to or want to. Flagging is just a good way to allow player justice against other players.

This is another opinion based thread I got sucked into, anyway. I can't argue an opinion. So I'm done.

Last edited by Tuskil; 01/03/09 07:50 PM.