
The idea that we deal respectfully with other nations is a good ideal, but the concept of signing over national sovreignty to a world body is a totally different animal.

Yup. A Beast of Domination is the animal you're talking about. With a world government comes a dissolving cultural diversity (I like the benevolent differences between people) and less checks and balances against said world government should it get out of hand, and out of touch with it's people.

One of the things that has always been true since the dawn of mankind: The Union of two or more powers always brings about the extinction of one or more of the present cultures. We've seen it happen to the Celts at the hands of the Romans; We've seen it happen to the Jews at the hands of Arabs (for a time); We've seen it happen to the Native people of the "American" Continent(s). We're sure to see it happen again. I lament every loss of the dignity of every culture that has been raped in the ass through so-called "Unity" as we know it.

In the end, "Unity for the sake of personal safety" is not the answer. If you cannot protect or even govern yourself effectively, then don't ruin the freedom of others because you need a babysitter.
("you" referring to any "adult" guilty of the above).