I don't know, I haven't really heard him, or any other candidate speak. I just the other day heard Obama's voice for the first time during his victory speach at Iowa.

Since the Florida primaries and the real election are rapidly approaching though, the other day I sat on wikipedia for like two hours looking through all the big republican and democratic candidates reading up on their political positions and the one that most matched my views was Giuliani, whom before knowing what he stood for was the candidate I was least likely to vote for just based on the fact that all he's been is a mayor, and all he seems to do according to the media is play the terrorism card.

So why Giuliani? Because first of all, all the Democrats want to immediately withdraw from Iraq. Although I agree going there was a mistake and any other argument that someone could bring up against Iraq that we've all heard a thousand times, I still think we should finish the job.

I think we should take a look at history and apply lessons learned from Vietnam. The second we left the North Vietnamese swept into the South and made it so the nearly 60 thousand U.S. troops that died over 10 years, died for nothing. So far Iraq has lasted five, and we're at about 3900, those numbers are fantastic, just the media hypes it like crazy in order to get higher ratings. I think we're better off just seeing the job through, rather than make those 3900 deaths a waste just like what happened with Vietnam.

I think any Republican learned lessons from Bush's presidency, and they'll think twice before engaging in wars on a whim. Regardless, I rather a Reagan than a Carter. I don't mean I want to go around starting shit all over the world or playing world police, but if someone starts shit with us, I think we should push back. And I think Ron Paul's idea of backing out of the UN is one of the dumbest proposals I've ever heard.

All right, so past foreign policy, which pretty much eliminates every Democrat on the list, sadly, I was faced with Giuliani, Huckabee, McCain, etc. Once I started reading up on them though, their platforms were stupidly absurd.

Pretty much every Republican but Giuliani is cut out of the same Bible-loving conservative mold (i.e. No Gay Marriage, No Abortions, No Stem Cell Research, Teach Creationism in schools, etc.)

I think a lot of those issues shouldn't be controlled by the Government, frankly some of them aren't the government's business.

To ban Stem Cell Research just because it comes from embryos at the cost of the hundreds of thousands of lives that could be saved from the fruits of such research is just plain stupid and ignorant. Luckily new sources of Stem Cells are being found now, but it shouldn't have to come down to finding alternate methods of finding Stem Cells just to please our Bible-toting compatriots.

Gay Marriage... honestly banning it is unconstitutional. It's like saying blacks can't get married or something. When it comes down to it, it's segregation. It's stupid that gays can't receive things such as insurance benefits that they would had their partners been of the opposite gender. I'm not gay, and have such few gay friends that I could count them on one hand, so Gay legislation really doesn't affect my life, but I just find it stupid that people believe the Government should even take a role in controlling people's personal lives like this. I'm agnostic and feel pity for people when they tell me they honestly believe in Creationism or they take the Bible literally rather than metaphorically. Adam and Eve shouldn't be a factor in how we run our government, period.

Abortions? Should I even have to argue in their favor? Their are a billion situations in which it would be ridiculous for a woman to be forced to have an abortion. Giuliani's stance is something like "I'm not fond of them, but I rather have them legal and occurring in a safe, controlled environment, than illegally with coat hangers or whatever. Because let's face it, abortions are going to happen whether the government allows them or not."

And yeah, I know certain aspects of his current platform are different than the stuff he supported during his years as the mayor of NYC, and yeah, this is to appeal to more voters, or benefit heavy donors to his campaign, but honestly, this is me caring. I guess like Fora said, it comes down to the lesser of two evils. Although Giuliani may not be 100% a match towards my views, he's the closest around, so my votes will be going to him this year... at least I think so thus far.

BoS Archon
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