Well said, Daye & Derid.

This time around, if there's any way I can vote for Dr. Paul, that's who I'm voting for. I may even go so far as to write him on the ballot.

I like Chris Rock's take on Politics:

(paraphrase) "Liberals, Conservatives, Republicans, & Democrats are all fucking idiots. Anyone who is so short-sighted and narrow-minded as to pre-determine who or what party they'll vote for before even looking at the issues...is a fucking idiot. I'm liberal about some things...and I'm conservative about others. You've got to look at the issues, weigh them, and then make your decision."

If you are considering voting for RON PAUL, regardless of choices, Here is a site with a STEP-BY-STEP process on how to do it effectively using the Write-In Ballot. HERE IT IS

[Linked Image]

[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]