Originally Posted By: JetStar
It is hard for me to fathom how you right wingers can single out this gentleman and patriot when at the same time you all ignore the total of 4,486 U.S. soldiers that were killed in Iraq.

George Bush was not impeached, tried as a criminal or any of what you are calling for when over 4000 times the lives were lost and lied about over and over.

You people amaze me.

If Obama made a bad descion based on bad intel, then so be it. But dont say one thing while doing anthoer. If after a congressinol investiagtion it comes back that everything was tried at the time so be it. If it comes back that due to budget constraints that they did not get extra secuirty then so be it. But if we are willing to waste millions of dollars on wither or not some one took steriods, then by the holy spaggti monster they can go over this and release the information.

We are not talking about Bush, we are talking about Obama. Dont forget dems voted for that war also. looking at the same intel that bush did. was bush played? possiblely, did bush back his SOD when he should have kicked him to the curb, yep.

I am also not calling for crimnal charges or that other horse shit, but an investgation is needed. IT will take months, and we will not find out till way after the election, but it does need to be started in ernest.