
Any tax cuts and loopholes that any taxpayer uses are WRITTEN INTO THE TAX CODE.

Well DUH, I never said they weren't.

didn't stand around waiting for someone to help me. I got off my ass and did it myself. So don't give me your sanctimonious bull shit about how some people just can't get by without other people's money.

I didn't, just because some people are perfectly abled lazy jerks who suck $$ off the system should in no way mean every on SSI/disability/unemployment recipient be blamed for every jerk out there who screws the system.

The wealthy are not taxed fairly, corporations go over seas because they are cheap, they can pay the workers way less. How many times has healthcare, education, or services for the poor &/or disabled been cut? Save $$ save $$ right, cut this or that, but keep giving the rich their tax cuts & don't close those loopholes!!!

Last edited by Salohcin Dragon; 08/21/11 06:52 AM.

Former KGB Member