
The wealthy are not taxed fairly, corporations go over seas because they are cheap, they can pay the workers way less. How many times has healthcare, education, or services for the poor &/or disabled been cut? Save $$ save $$ right, cut this or that, but keep giving the rich their tax cuts & don't close those loopholes!!!

Obviously you either can't read or simply refuse to believe the facts. So I'll post this link again...
Now if you look at that link, you will see that the top 10% pay anywhere from 18%-23% tax on their earnings, while 11% to the rest of the top 50% pay anywhere from 13% to 15% tax on their earnings. And the other 50% pay virtually nothing, so as Kaotic said where's the fairness? If paying the most in taxes isn't enough already, how much percentage of tax should the top earners pay? 40%? 50%? all that will do is cause everyone with a lot of money to invest their wealth overseas. I know this is hard for you to understand. It sounds like you don't want any liberty,freedom or have any incentive to work towards the American dream. It sounds like you want nothing other than PURE socialist, even communist country. Where they take from one class, and give to another class. Sounds like you just wanted things handed to you on a platter, so you don't have to do anything.

To get back on topic with this thread, our government officials want to take retirment benefits away from the military. Men and women who VOLUNTEER their service to their country, and that aren't paid very well for the things they do. Say like losing a limb in action, even losing their life. Do YOU think our military members should have their PENSIONS cut? If you're so mad about the rich, why aren't you bitching about YOUR rich congressional leaders not taking a lead role and wanting to cut their PENSIONS first, instead of people that make FAR less money than themselves? Please answer THAT question.I doubt you have an answer.

Last edited by Wolfgang; 08/21/11 10:22 AM.