Kaotic.... I love the way you think!

I am the working poor, and every year they send me back all the money I paid in and a bit extra. They don't raise the taxes on the so called poor because we don’t really pay any.....we loan it to them and get a great return.....wrong but that’s the way it is.

I have no right to anyone’s money, the people/companies with money earned it in some manner....it belongs to them. If I want more money then I need to work harder/smarter not sit around waiting for someone to give me something.

I like the idea of a flat tax, and then everyone has a stake in the government and what it does. The company that owns the factory I work in paid zero income tax this year....that is just wrong. GE should owe some kind of tax. Flat tax no deductions.... everyone pays a little based on income.

You want nice stuff then hard work/education and a little luck.... nobody was born with a right to anything.