Originally Posted By: Salohcin Dragon
Wow man, what's up you @$$? Do you live in this country, it is a well known fact that the rich & corporations get tax cuts & use loopholes in the tax system. Did you watch the news when the "debt ceiling craziness" was going on?

/set rant to boil

What's "up my ass" is morons who blindly believe what they see on the news, assume that it must be true, then vomit it back up as though it were the gospel truth, thinking that it makes them sound intelligent. That kind of parroting of the status quo is only useful for one thing. It makes a stark contrast between the free thinkers and the sheep. Who will stand up for you when they come for you with the shears?

Any tax cuts and loopholes that any taxpayer uses are WRITTEN INTO THE TAX CODE. If they were doing anything illegal they'd be arrested (ask Wesley Snipes), unless of course they are chosen to be the next Secretary of the Treasury or are a congressman. Then they just get to go on the news and talk about how complicated the tax code THAT HE HELPED WRITE is. All of that aside, regardless of what tax codes people are able to use to avoid paying taxes the fact remains that the top 5% of wage earners pay over HALF of all taxes in this country. For you to suggest that they aren't already paying more than their "fair share" is ludicrous and serves to illustrate how either brainwashed, or simple minded you really are.

I do live in this country. I work my ass off for what I have. I've never taken a dime of public assistance. I've been completely broke. I worked my way out of it. It took years to recover. I didn't stand around waiting for someone to help me. I got off my ass and did it myself. So don't give me your sanctimonious bull shit about how some people just can't get by without other people's money. I give to people in need (of my choosing) in addition to what the government confiscates from my paycheck to give to you. I'm proud to be a citizen of the United States of America and it sickens me to see the nanny state we've become and are digging our way further into.

I didn't have to watch the news about the debt ceiling debacle because I understand the problem. I also know that just because its not the hot topic on CNN doesn't mean its been fixed. I don't need to watch another self-serving politician talk about how there is nothing he can do while blaming the other guy for the problem. You, me, and every FUCKING one of them are to blame and I am sick and tired of watching them toss blame around like a hot potato. Sack up and fix the problem. In your house, when you have run out of money, do you call up your creditors and ask for more or do you cut your spending to try to save money to pay your bills? It works the same way for the government. Raising the debt ceiling doesn't do anything but kick the can further down the road while making the problem worse for the folks who will eventually have to pay it off.

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