
The Library. You can access necessary information about the game world, no matter where you are in the world. Being able to travel to the capital cities to input new world items into this database makes one feel like you are really contributing to the game. You make a difference, even if its a small difference right now.

And now that MyAlganon is live, these two systems will be integrated, so you can check Library elements while offline as well.

An in-game Wikipedia? Interesting - out of game crack for those of us who like researching crap.


The Studies system is another important component. You may not have time to always play, but the Studies system gives you the opportunity to advance while offline and away from your computer, but advance in a fair and balanced way.

So would this system be similar to Eve? I think this would be a great incentive for the average gamer. I personally miss Eve's system - hell I think I should go re-activate not like I am playing any games atm anyways - lol

My only other thought atm is - the sole reason I play MMOs is for PVP. If PVP is second string to PVE it really leaves me with a limp noodle.

Either way wouldn't mind checking it out - or at least pestering Vyse about it.



Will work for beer.