
Can you please explain to us "Alganon" in a nutshell? How is it different than other MMOs? What does it feature that will help players feel immersed into the world? To what extent will PVP be offered? Is it a sandbox game or an amusement park game (w.o.w.)?

Absolutely. First, PvP... we are still determining when exactly this will be implemented. It is a critical component we must get right, so we're taking a lot of time to ensure it is put in at a place that is best for the rest of the game development.

This being said, we need your ideas and feedback on what you think will make PvP good in Alganon, or any MMO for that matter. What has been done poorly in the past? We have a chance to tweak our current design ideas now.

Alganon is an MMO that is designed to not take up all your time, but be a compliment to other games you might be playing today. It is designed to be familiar, yet innovative with new features such as The Library system. We didn't want to create a game so alien that you were scared of it . Yet completely cloning in exact detail other games is not the answer either of course.

The Library. You can access necessary information about the game world, no matter where you are in the world. Being able to travel to the capital cities to input new world items into this database makes one feel like you are really contributing to the game. You make a difference, even if its a small difference right now.

And now that MyAlganon is live, these two systems will be integrated, so you can check Library elements while offline as well.

The Studies system is another important component. You may not have time to always play, but the Studies system gives you the opportunity to advance while offline and away from your computer, but advance in a fair and balanced way.

Dual Role system that provides flexibility in building a solid group for combat, all the way to the simpler things, such as the great variety of terrain available to explore.

I could write a lot more, but perhaps if I was given some target areas I could focus in a bit on those instead. But like I said before, your opinions and suggestions count on what ultimately is produced, now more than ever...

Future features include ways to reward your fellow players. Did a group member do well in battle? Showing this to them via various in-game recognition features will be possible.

I hope this helps some answer your question, if not just a little bit.

Last edited by Berek; 02/16/09 04:52 PM.