




Hey Vuldan, can you remind me who undeclared war please?

Sure, I'll even be fair about it..TM were great opponents, and when it was clear they could no longer hold the field or even contribute, victory was declared. Questions? See the archives, but please, please do not try and convince anyone that TM won. Some battles, yes, but not the shooting match. DFO will surely provide ample opportunity to revisit this rivalry..what will be the new opportunity? DFO will be unique even more than UO..so I am sure we will see.

Hold the field? Contribute? We could run PoA by ourselves off the table but failed to succeed against KGB? You must be joking.

The only thing KGB had was numbers. I still remember fondly taking on a large contingent of KGB members by myself and walking away victoriously. We were better prepared and skilled after having PvP'ed together for much longer than most of your members.

If anything, I give KGB credit for numbers they were able to recruit and sustain. You might not have had the best PvP quality, but you used your numbers well. But frankly, the majority of your members weren't even 7x GM when I could say that our members were 6x GM's at the very least.
You did have some skilled PvP'ers with whom I kept in touch with even after the UO years.

KGB did well WHEN they were able to muster their superior numbers. You guys were an army. You realized your strength was in numbers and used it well.

However, when caught in impromptu battles, TM always came out victorious when the numbers were even or even when we were slightly outnumbered. Please see the underlying logic: when you had superior numbers, we avoided confrontation because there was simply no point. If you consider holding certain areas only at certain times of the day victory, then by all means. But whenever there was actual fighting, we slew far more KGB than we lost. I remember talking to Hard Cash about how he had to yell at his own members to never leave town unless in packs of at least 6 to avoid being taken down us.

I don't see how anyone could say "we undeclared therefore we won". I find the logic amusing.

Spoken like a true defense attorney. The facts are altered to fit the needs of the arguement. As to my point, no, I was not and am not joking. It is only amusing to see the traditional mentality which went behind almost every move and post from those good old times by members of every guild who could not defeat KGB on a regular basis. You certainly prove that point very well. Your continued and assinine arguement that you had more 7xGM's than KGB is almost to funny to even contemplate. And if you indeed did find yourself able to survive an onslaught by more than a reasonable number of KGB on the field, then you must have in deed been guilty of the exploit use you were accussed of so long ago.

It is good to see you around and I hope to see you on the field in DFO. Your continued tirade is almost enough for me to file a returning vet app just to be sure there is no chance we might miss one another in DFO. If you have proof of your claims, beyond fantasizing, then please, bring it out. I have only to look to the KGB archives to have plenty of hard solid evidence to prove my points. You know this.

Any further arguement would only serve to solidify what I already know, which is that TM was a great PvP guild, fun to war and yet, you could not continue the fight. You know it and we know it and any further arguement to the contrary is moot. We can continue to banter it if you wish. Otherwise, good to see you around and look forward to DFO.

Ah yes, because your archives present the only engagements that ever occurred between Mafia and KGB correct? If so that must have been a boring war between us if there were only 15 clashes during our 2 year long war with one another. You can claim that your archives speak the gospel truth. It's like the Muslims claiming that the Koran is the actually the accurate word of God. Heck the KGB archives might as well have the "fair and balanced" reporting of Fox News. I find it amusing that KGB claims to have "won" when every other guild that warred us folded. Heck even SoV which merged into your guild couldn't handle our heat. But I guess its always more convenient to circle jerk upon the idea that KGB was the definitive PvP guild on Pac right? lol

Alas, Mafia's first website is no longer up nor did I have the foresight to believe that KGB would claim victory or else I'd still keep it up with all of our documented kills and victories.

But hey, I guess its always easier to presume you're the best guild and incapable of losing in PvP right? I relish the chance to see our two guilds meet again in DFO.

PS. It always speaks of class when you resort to personal attacks. Alas, I'm not a defense attorney as criminal law doesn't stimulate me at all nor does it generate the income required to sustain the type of lifestyle I enjoy living. I would have figured that KGB was classy enough to avoid the personal attacks even when we forum joust out of nostalgia for our old fun rivalry.


I'll definitely give it a go.

Still looking for that good old blood rush from the UO - Pac days of old. Until that time I'll be tinkering with Eve, Warhammer, CS & BF2/2142.

/waves to Ranker. Always good to know there will be guaranteed hostilities to keep things fun.

Hey Wildcard! Good to see you around. What corp are you with in Eve?

Anyhow a /wave back to what I considered to be KGB's best dueler/pvper from our old UO days =)

It was not meant personal bro, had no clue what type of law you practiced. As a lawyer, you are most aware that words have power beyond what most people think. Trust me, personal would have been very recognizable as such, honest. Remember, this is a message board so there is no way to give it emotion unless you choose the emotion.

As Derid says, I do not speak for KGB. I will defend the KGB of old that I was a part of, and still hold strong feelings for many of KGB members. Beyond which, of course, the memories are always going to be different depending on what side of the line you are on.

I look forward to DFO and the rivalries that will exist there, and the old TM war days were some of my most fond memories in my early career at KGB. Lots of good times, and with rare exception, very little hold over animosity. As you eloquently pointed out, the points of view are unique to the sides. I still say your facts are outragously exagerated, but that is my perspective, not yours. Wish you the best Rank, and look forward to seeing all of you in DFO.

[Linked Image from nodiatis.com]