Feel the same way - I have owned and played the HELL out of every Chris Roberts game (I still play Freelancer from time to time) - yet the ONLY Derek Smart game I purchased was promptly returned when nothing worked even after patching/updating! :-) He has been and always will be; a self-righteous, pompous, crying, windbag.

The latest Escapist hit-piece was just another talon of D.S. I feel. He pulled on some of those "GamerGate" strings and got another attack on CIG from a "how dare them" - "terrible company" perspective. Which is clearly unfounded... if you bothered to watch ANY of the MANY videos shared from CIG concerning Star Citizen / Squadron 42.

This is one of my favorites, coz 'research is hard - ya know'

We DO all need to watch out for that "gun" C.R. has by the way!


"Any group is weaker than a man alone unless they are perfectly trained to work together."
- Robert A. Heinlein, Starship Troopers