I haven't read anything about their daughter, I know they have had money. I mean the guy sold off a large successful company which he owned a majority of.

What erks me is why did they hide the fact that Sandi was his wife?

If you look at the executives now, it is mostly his family. What I would like to know is what their salaries are, probably never see that information though.

All in all it is a great idea and I hope they can pull it off. Financially I think they have enough funds, I mean they raised $90 million, and if necessary (may already) I am sure they can find investors, or fund through some type of lending.

The other question is, has the scope of the game gone to what may not even be possible at this point? I know that they can probably make the game to what they expect, but the concern I have is that I don't think the networking infrastructure that is currently in place can support what they want to do. I mean you can have all the servers in the world, but if client side cant download and upload all that information then the game is going to run like shit. And the level of detail that they want to put into these things is going to be a lot of information.

All I know is they better show their supporters something this weekend at citizencon, or this thing is going to really start blowing up in their face.