Bandit the entire Sandi thing has been a sore spot for a while in the Backroom. Once the White Knights and Super Nerds got over looking at tits and ass, they began to actually stop shouting down how Sandi was obviously pushing Wingman out and why it was happening. The inner circle of try hards absolutely refused to believe that there savior and god, Chris Roberts would succumb to vapid accusations that he put a woman in as the frontman because nerds are dumb and easy to cajole with the right set of assets. The accusations of Sandi being CR wife were removed from the back room as soon as anyone posted anything about it. There were actually several people who were High tier backers and who sub'd to the monthly article that got there community accounts locked for chiming in and requesting transparency. Mark my words, that decision to conceal the fact that Sandi is CR's wife is going to cause CIG more problems than it ever generated value.

The thing about CR kid and school was an example of how you get back sheet compensation when you are on a personal contract, not what actually transpired. The crux of the embezzling conversation was about CR house in LA, and yes CR had plenty of money prior to SC being funded out of control. Remember, CR always makes sure he gets his when it's his project, not matter its success or failure.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!