The KGB Oracle
Posted By: Bandit What do you guys think? - 10/07/15 12:33 PM
On this news article from The Escapist and this Derek Smart guy.

It does seem like he has a few points and makes me a bit skeptical. I hope its all false, for the games sake. Also the Reddit is blowing up about it.

Posted By: Tasorin Re: What do you guys think? - 10/07/15 06:43 PM
Chris has been notorious over the past decades for always ensuring he enriches himself personally through his projects, no matter how successful or not.

Frankly from a timing perspective, the best time for CR to have done something like this would have been in fiscal year 2014, before CIG filed its first tax statements with the IRS. This would have given him the window to make funds "disappear" before the company reported Earnings before Income Tax.

I don't believe or disbelieve the statements and accusations made by Smart. As is the way in the Social Court, it is for CR to disprove the accusations or choose to not address the statements. There was and is a lot of money floating around, who is to say that CR didin't write himself a sweetheart personal contract prior to the end of 2014 in which CIG is paying for all kinds of things in lieu of traditional normal income payments subject to traditional income tax. Now that it has come to light that CR's say Daughter is getting her 80k a year private school paid for by a Education program funded by CIG and his daughter is the sole beneficiary of the program.

Don't get me started on the potential of a sweet heart contract he could have given his brother over in the UK studio's once the dollars really started rolling in. There are any number of ways to pilfer coffers at an executive level that aren't against any tax code laws, but the common person goes ..WTF, he is embezzling!!

See: US House of Representatives and the US Congress and how PAC money is utilized. Same/Sa

Reddit SC Link - Good Read
Posted By: Bandit Re: What do you guys think? - 10/07/15 08:13 PM
I haven't read anything about their daughter, I know they have had money. I mean the guy sold off a large successful company which he owned a majority of.

What erks me is why did they hide the fact that Sandi was his wife?

If you look at the executives now, it is mostly his family. What I would like to know is what their salaries are, probably never see that information though.

All in all it is a great idea and I hope they can pull it off. Financially I think they have enough funds, I mean they raised $90 million, and if necessary (may already) I am sure they can find investors, or fund through some type of lending.

The other question is, has the scope of the game gone to what may not even be possible at this point? I know that they can probably make the game to what they expect, but the concern I have is that I don't think the networking infrastructure that is currently in place can support what they want to do. I mean you can have all the servers in the world, but if client side cant download and upload all that information then the game is going to run like shit. And the level of detail that they want to put into these things is going to be a lot of information.

All I know is they better show their supporters something this weekend at citizencon, or this thing is going to really start blowing up in their face.
Posted By: Zhou Re: What do you guys think? - 10/07/15 08:29 PM
Derek Smart is a bias jealous man who has been out against CR for years. On top of promoting his own game which has been in development on their forums. After he was refunded and rejected from pledging to Star Citizen he took it as a personal attack and is out to get CR.

Now as for the article even if the Article writers refuse to admit the source was Derek Smart. Also the site Glassdoor is a sham, anyone can register, say they work for CIG and post whatever they want. Plus it is ridiculous regarding the employees. Even if 5-7 employees were disgruntled that's only like 3% of the company. Just because it's crowd funded it's under much more scrutiny.

Now as far as CR, he does seem like a perfectionist and he has been gone from gaming for quite awhile, his last adventure was the Wing Commander movie, which I don't find too horrible. I can see there being management issues, you went from 10 ppl to over 260. I can see why people say it's a Pyramid scheme, obviously those who backed in early reap more rewards than those later on, but it was a risk and there are legal entities like this.

Now do I believe Derek Smart absolutely not. However, behind all his lies I'm sure there are some truths. It's not easy creating a culture under mass expansion and balancing the finances. I doubt though CR is embellishing his own companies finances, the guy like I said looks like a perfectionist and I highly doubt he will risk the chance for a game that could be one of the best ever in its genre for a couple extra million after tax hits. The game generates much more.

As far as Sandy, I'm shocked that they were married they hid that extremely well and I can see why people are pissed off and his brother isn't that talented. Not sure why he's even hired.

Citizen on is around the corner, the game is a year late so far and he has a lot of eyes on him. If he is in fact legit he needs to shape up the game status and start rolling out theMulticrew and the FPS. Lastly, give me my damn Idris.

P.S. Sorry for any grammar mistakes this wasn't easy writing on my phone.
Posted By: Tasorin Re: What do you guys think? - 10/08/15 12:44 AM
Bandit the entire Sandi thing has been a sore spot for a while in the Backroom. Once the White Knights and Super Nerds got over looking at tits and ass, they began to actually stop shouting down how Sandi was obviously pushing Wingman out and why it was happening. The inner circle of try hards absolutely refused to believe that there savior and god, Chris Roberts would succumb to vapid accusations that he put a woman in as the frontman because nerds are dumb and easy to cajole with the right set of assets. The accusations of Sandi being CR wife were removed from the back room as soon as anyone posted anything about it. There were actually several people who were High tier backers and who sub'd to the monthly article that got there community accounts locked for chiming in and requesting transparency. Mark my words, that decision to conceal the fact that Sandi is CR's wife is going to cause CIG more problems than it ever generated value.

The thing about CR kid and school was an example of how you get back sheet compensation when you are on a personal contract, not what actually transpired. The crux of the embezzling conversation was about CR house in LA, and yes CR had plenty of money prior to SC being funded out of control. Remember, CR always makes sure he gets his when it's his project, not matter its success or failure.

Posted By: Sini Re: What do you guys think? - 10/08/15 02:34 AM
Derek Smart is just upset that someone is trying to move on his turf. I guess there is no Honor Among Thieves in vaporware development.
Posted By: hydr Re: What do you guys think? - 10/08/15 04:56 AM
Just my opinion, I think the guy is a shit disturber. He has a history of it. Remember good lies have a hint of truth in them.
Posted By: Instrument Re: What do you guys think? - 10/08/15 06:11 AM
I don't care so long as I get the game that I want

I am sad to say that the people at the top always seam to come out of any project richer than they went in even if the project fails.
CEO's , charity bosses ,politicians

the world is just not a nice place and as they say power corrupts
Posted By: Instrument Re: What do you guys think? - 10/08/15 06:28 AM
when The Escapist stood by there story on Monday when faced with legal action is when I really got worried

my hopes now lie with the presentation on Saturday
hoping for real game play and a player roll out

scared all I will get is a demo that only works in house a new ship and a line of actors on stage who will be in the live action
Posted By: Bandit Re: What do you guys think? - 10/08/15 12:59 PM
Yeah those are my thoughts too Instrument. They really need to show something this weekend, or they are in trouble. And it better not be another $900 ship sale.
Posted By: Tasorin Re: What do you guys think? - 10/08/15 05:22 PM
Citizen-con could get chippy if CIG announces that they are behind deployment/development cycles and the only thing that have to "show" is more ship's for future sale in there concept and early stage designs. Let alone if they don't have a Marine Commander that doesn't suck for demonstration. Apparently the peripheral HOTAS deal is in jeopardy too if the development schedule slides beyond the manufacturing lead time windows for the supply chain side of the requirements.

And yes, for the record Derek Smart is a giant shit zipper who is making unfounded (by legal document standards) accusations against CIG and CR, because he is an angry shit bird who is striking out. The only thing to applaud him on is getting good legal advice on what accusations he can make and not face liable/slander lawsuits by not meeting the minimum requirements to proceed in any jurisdiction.
Posted By: Zhou Re: What do you guys think? - 10/13/15 12:28 AM
This is perfect on what many think of Derek Smart haha.


Found on Reddit, he did a 1HR live stream before CitizenCon. Seems a little special.
Posted By: hydr Re: What do you guys think? - 10/13/15 05:04 AM
Wow and it was posted quite some years ago!
Posted By: Tasorin Re: What do you guys think? - 10/14/15 12:53 AM
DS has always been and will always be a smarmy self serving piece of shit. That being said, it doesn't preclude CR or CIG from mishandling crowdfunding money in regards to their fiscal promise to utilize funding for the title itself. In the reality, people are very lucky that CR didn't just give the entire community the two finger salute after moving the monies off shore and leaving the Country. I mean what the fuck are any of us going to do about it? It's crowdfunding, it's been more than 60 Days since purchase, and no Merchant is really going to credit you back years later.
Posted By: Zhou Re: What do you guys think? - 10/14/15 01:46 AM
Originally Posted By: Tasorin
DS has always been and will always be a smarmy self serving piece of shit. That being said, it doesn't preclude CR or CIG from mishandling crowdfunding money in regards to their fiscal promise to utilize funding for the title itself. In the reality, people are very lucky that CR didn't just give the entire community the two finger salute after moving the monies off shore and leaving the Country. I mean what the fuck are any of us going to do about it? It's crowdfunding, it's been more than 60 Days since purchase, and no Merchant is really going to credit you back years later.

Very true, that would ruin his reputation and credibility for anything in the future. I think those 2 pieces right now are part of the reason Star Citizen is so successful. If he fails to deliver he will never make another game again with crowdfunding
Posted By: Tasorin Re: What do you guys think? - 10/14/15 06:14 PM
Originally Posted By: Zhou
Originally Posted By: Tasorin
DS has always been and will always be a smarmy self serving piece of shit. That being said, it doesn't preclude CR or CIG from mishandling crowdfunding money in regards to their fiscal promise to utilize funding for the title itself. In the reality, people are very lucky that CR didn't just give the entire community the two finger salute after moving the monies off shore and leaving the Country. I mean what the fuck are any of us going to do about it? It's crowdfunding, it's been more than 60 Days since purchase, and no Merchant is really going to credit you back years later.

Very true, that would ruin his reputation and credibility for anything in the future. I think those 2 pieces right now are part of the reason Star Citizen is so successful. If he fails to deliver he will never make another game again with crowdfunding

For 50-70M you can keep my credibility and reputation. But I do agree, like CR or not, they guy does have street credibility for keeping his word and not being a giant d-bag as I described as an nuclear option.
Posted By: Taxman Re: What do you guys think? - 11/01/15 01:25 AM
Feel the same way - I have owned and played the HELL out of every Chris Roberts game (I still play Freelancer from time to time) - yet the ONLY Derek Smart game I purchased was promptly returned when nothing worked even after patching/updating! :-) He has been and always will be; a self-righteous, pompous, crying, windbag.

The latest Escapist hit-piece was just another talon of D.S. I feel. He pulled on some of those "GamerGate" strings and got another attack on CIG from a "how dare them" - "terrible company" perspective. Which is clearly unfounded... if you bothered to watch ANY of the MANY videos shared from CIG concerning Star Citizen / Squadron 42.

This is one of my favorites, coz 'research is hard - ya know'

We DO all need to watch out for that "gun" C.R. has by the way!
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