"When you have margins like 58,720,700 (50.1%) to 56,145,950 (48.4%), that means that 48.4% of people dislike Obama probably as much as I disliked and distrusted Bush."

Incidentally, I think you were perfectly justified in disliking and distrusting Bush. Back when he was the one fronting for a crony and corrupt system, you will recall we fell on the same side of most debates.

"I will never admit that which is untrue, and unsupported with real facts, and not "guilty until proven innocent" conspiracy theories."

The fact that Obama is a continuation of Bush is pretty well established and far from a "conspiracy theory". Bush gave lip service to many things I agreed with, however in practice his policy and governing apparatus worked to achieve opposite ends. The same holds true with Obama, I suppose I am continually surprised that you choose not to look past the rhetoric and focus on the actions. Even that "Consumer Protection" bureau.. you should google up what it has actually done, and what the ramifications have actually been sometime.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)