Originally Posted By: sini
Almost Every Obama Conspiracy Theory

Obama is a secret Muslim - no
Obama is bringing 100 million Muslims to America - no
Obama is in the pocket of the Muslim Brotherhood - no
Obama redecorated the Oval Office in Middle Eastern style - no
Obama's ring has a Koranic verse on it - maybe, but who cares
Obama was born in Kenya - maybe
Obama was a Black Panther - no
Obama wouldn't say the Pledge of Allegiance - no
Obama's coming for your guns - yes see his own proposals
Obama is planning FEMA concentration camps - they dont think of them as that, but there are well documented plans to create such in certain circumstances, ostensibly for epidemic control
Obama caused the BP oil spill - no
Obama was behind the Aurora massacre - no
Obama faked bin Laden's death - sort of, he may have lied about how he died, some credible reports say he was killed by chopper landing but getting shot sounded better for the proles
Obama's planning a third term - maybe

Thanks, Obama!

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)