Thats not particularly extreme, just look at what is known and what is hearsay and you will find that almost all info from all sides pro and con is hearsay.

Obamas Ring: There are some popular phrases, including in the realm of jurisprudence that also appear in the Koran in some form or another. The idea that he might have a ring that has some phrase or something found in the Koran is not particularly strange. He also did live in Muslim countries growing up (Indonesia) so it becomes quite possible.

What it means: He very well has a ring that has something from the Koran.

What it doesnt mean: That he is a practicing Muslim, or a Muslim Brotherhood plant.

What wild eyed leftists should take away from this: Just because Obama is not a wild eyed Muslim does not mean that claims he has a ring with X or Y on it is false - you have no clue, and even bringing it up immediately brands you as irrational as the people you were (trying) to make fun of.


Obama was born in Kenya: Its basically his word, and his political allies' word against other peoples. It doesn't really matter because its not provable one way or the other, and in the absence of hard proof - the powerful always win.

What it means: People who insist he was born in the US mostly do so because they like him.

What it doesnt mean: It doesnt mean he isnt President.

What leftists should take away from this: Obamas background is sketchy, even though you like him. Even though you dislike the people who question his bbackground, and know the people who question his background are in fact doing so simply because they loathe him - it does not mean they cant be right just because you dont like them and like Obama.


Obamas coming for your guns: Well duh. Needs no explanation, read his speeches and look at the legislation and words coming from his allies. Obama loathes the idea of anyone not in lock-step with his agenda and under his control being armed. There is no way a guy as intellectually smart as Obama believes for one second that guns should be controlled by Govt because a few gradeschoolers wrote him emotional letters. He also has to know what banning guns has done for Britain, Australia... and North Korea.

What the left should take away from this: The right to bear ARMS, not muskets, but ARMS is an enshrined right. It is a right that *shall not be infringed*. That means hands off. Any Federal attempt to infringe on that right immediately leaves such Govt in violation of the law, and an illegitimate actor void of moral or legal authority. If you dont like it, there are procedures enshrined in the Constitution to change the Constitution - any Govt that ignores rights simply because they are deemed inconvenient can just as easily target a right *you* care about next.

Its called rule of law. Rule of law is something everyone should value... as a principle in of itself, not just when the supreme law happens to fir your own damn prejudices.


Obama faked Bin Laden death : As I said, he didnt fake it , but it is possible that he died to chopper crash and not gunshots. It would not be the first time in history a President bent the truth about what happened on a military op - nor will it be the last.

What leftists should take away from this: Its not a big deal either way to be honest. Its funny watching Obama lovers go bug eyed at the implication their demagogue in chief might have at some point been less than honest about something though. Govt line on many happenings has been false, historically speaking. If you pay any attention to history you will find a regular pattern of the "official record" changing sometime between 40 and 60 years after an event.


Obama planning a third term: Less than 100 years ago this was legal. If Obama can find some way to get away with doing it, I am sure he would. I consider this a low probability that he will try, but anything can happen.

What leftists should take away from this: If you arent still drinking the kool-aid, you will inherently not trust Obama. The fact that some people worry about this shows just how deep the mistrust goes. Of course if you still actually believe Obama has a shred of morality or human decency you will be appalled - Obamas marketing machine just has some people hooked for life despite all evidence I suppose.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)