Originally Posted By: sini
I don't see how NRA can whip people into such mindlessness to claim that current POTUS does not require additional protection.

It just boggles my mind. Plus NRA swamp fever somehow burns hot enough to have this connected in their sickly minds with gun control discussion.

Guess what champs? Nobody advocating police, military, secret service and so on get disarmed. They need guns in their line of duty, they get trained and screened multiple times before they get them.

Noone is saying dont protect the POTUS, or even his kids.

I see you did not order that copy of Rosetta Stone English I linked you. Or if you did, you have not gone through it yet.

What is being said, is that despite the need to protect the important people - less important people should also have the right to protection. Sure, the Fedgov should not be the entity footing the bill - but Obama wants to forcibly disarm people and forcibly keep people FROM protecting the schools with armed security.

Therein lies the hypocrisy.

That and the fact Obama has literally taken a page out of Mein Kampf by using children is such an atrocious manner to sell his fascist version of security theater to the public.

Think of the kids he is using... they are just tiny children, and the shame and stigma of being an integral part of a fascist disarmament program will haunt them for the rest of their lives. Its sickening to use kids in such a callous and sickening way.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)