Originally Posted By: sini
I don't see how NRA can whip people into such mindlessness to claim that current POTUS does not require additional protection.

It just boggles my mind. Plus NRA swamp fever somehow burns hot enough to have this connected in their sickly minds with gun control discussion.

Guess what champs? Nobody advocating police, military, secret service and so on get disarmed. They need guns in their line of duty, they get trained and screened multiple times before they get them.

What did I just say four posts up? Protect the fucking president, keep the police, the secret service, all of them. That's great! That aside, I don't understand the total mind-exploding bat-shit crazy that the NRA's suggesting of armed guards in schools brings out in people like you. Honestly, I don't give two fucks that it was an NRA spokesman that said it, I just happen to think it's not a bad idea.

Equally mind-boggling is how leftist skyscraper-fever thinks a school massacre links better to gun control than to lack of protection in a school.

Last edited by Brutal; 01/19/13 07:21 PM.