Deir Yassin happened almost 60 years ago on the heels of WW2. To hold present day Israelis in such low regard over the horrors their fathers committed is as much a crime as the massacre itself. It would be like me saying that you are a terrorist just because some other Iranians have been in the past, which is rediculous. Don't get me wrong, I totally agree that the circumstances surrounding the formation of modern day Israel were questionable at best, terrible at worst.

The fact remains however that, like it or not, Israel is there and is probably not going anywhere. As a sovereign nation they have the right, and the NEED to protect themselves from aggressors. That they choose to target the aggressors rather than random innocents just goes to show that they are not in it for terror, but to eliminate the radicals that ARE randomly firing rockets into their settlements, rather than at the soldiers and tanks massed along the borders.


I love my country America. I still have alot of family that I care about in Iran as well. I despise the current regimes of both (Bush and Ali Khamenei who is the supreme leader of Iran) but there is really nothing I can do about it.

This is of course, also not true. You are the ONLY one that can do something about it, in our case anyway. The leadership of our country gets all of its power from you. If you don't like the job they are doing, get out and let people know, show your point of view, and if people agree with you, viola - change. Do, however, try to be respectful in your disagreement, lest you be stereotyped a leftwing nutcase or whatever terms are being tossed around these days.

my 2cents.