Originally Posted By: Vuldan
Nope..I am tired of the repeated hypocrasy which leaks from Sinij. I am done being nice about it. There comes a point in time when decisive action is required to belay the onslaught of political mentality which only serves to further degrade the fabric our country was built upon. I am reminded of that painfully today as I remember all my comrades in arms who were lost to ensure the freedoms that exist remain so.

Enough is enough. There is no singular point or perspective of the liberal agenda which has any value for our nation. None, nada. The conservative right is no better. It is time for dramatic change, and in the absence of compromise, there is no other option. I am sick to death of seeing the good of the country bent over because it offends someone or because one individuals belief system is offended. I am also sick to death of people believing they can act in whatever manner they wish without consequence. There are always consequences.

In these debates, it would seem that the repeated agenda of Sinij, except in rare discourse with you, is to spout infantile rhetoric. I am done with it. It was bad enough when Jet was involved, but at least his arguemments, while infuriating, were attempts at reasonable debate. Sinij fails on that front in almost every post with anyone except you.

I apparently do not have the political maturity to debate these points when solid evidence is repeatedly ignored and rebuffed with barely legible rhetoric. I suppose it would be best if I followed Jet's example and simply withdrew, but am loathe to give Sinij the satisfaction of even the appearance of a victory. It is an interesting predicament.

When you hit the bottom, let us know what you find there.

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