Both. Bush and Hastert fouled things up, then Pelosi and Obama made things worse.

Both parties have in recent times been crony, anti-liberty bastions of shit.

The difference is your typical liberal Dem thinks ALL your rights should be taken away and managed by other people for "the good of the people" where your typical conservative believes in individual rights but occasionally gets twisted by social pressure, false patriotism and media mis-representation into giving up some rights.

But there is plenty of ignorance to go around on both "sides"

I consider the GOP salvageable though because of the growing libertarian voice that is trying to reform the party. The GOP rank and file still have an ear for Paine and Jefferson and Franklin, whereas the Dems still look to Marx and Trotsky and Hegel and Engel for inspiration.

People tend to forget that the govt of the USA and the Constitution was intended to SAFEGUARD the rights of the Individual. Dems have totally fallen away from the wisdom of the Founders.

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)