How about we talk about indoctrination that leaves conservatives thinking-impaired and completely unable to even consider facts, less opposing point of view? Conservatism promotes such strong in group bias that any kind of questioning of conservative values, no matter how contradictory, reactionary or outright plain wrong these values are, sends your typical conservative into mental spasms and fits of rage.

What I find interesting is that conservatism at this point is more of a religion, with its own dogma and commandments, than a political framework.

When anyone says unrestricted gun ownership leads to drastic increase in gun violence; conservatives see Supply Side Jesus crucified and rally to the 'cold dead hands' cause.

When anyone points out that poverty at record high levels, that its impossible survive on a minimum wage, that jobs are just not there anymore; conservatives see lazy freeloaders trying to take something from them.

When anyone points out that lack of regulation and culture of bonuses that encourages systematic risk taking while offloading negative consequences on general society; conservatives see communism and need for smaller government with less regulation.

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