If you go to YouTube and watch the videos, you'll find that EVERYONE should be cross healing, not just one person.

I think the trap is that people are still thinking in terms of classes.

If you see someone low, use heal other, and do it on the fly. I don't see any reason you can't do both.

By saying you are going support, is telling me you are leveling your buffs before your damage spells. Don't. In the end the choice is yours, but I would rather have a teammate who knows how to fight and crossheal rather than a guy with only buffs. What are you going to do in the middle of battle? Is there any reason you can't do both?

Why i say this is that while that Kitty person may have done a great job, you'll see in battles that it's easier for a well equiped group to get a teammate back in the fray.

Look at it this way. If everyone has witches brew and heal other, if we are down, we'll call in vent "Get together for witches brew, 3 2 1." Boom, 4 players, all witches brew, all stacked. Everyone's back to full health." Why have one person have gimp skills because they consider themselves "support"?


I have to disagree with earlier, I wasn't saying that tank isn't viable ... because I think it is. I have just died to too many plate users to say that heavy armor rushers are useless. You just have to be smart with them. Stay with the group. Choose your spots. Don't just rush every time, then complain that no one's with you when you die. Think. Play smart.

With the amount of resists on plate, it's reasonable to expect someone with pots and conversion spells can last a long time. (Conversion spells, like someone said, are conversion mana to stam, health to mana, etc ... ) We just have to test them out in duels and 2v2s.

Last edited by Syloc; 12/23/09 10:32 AM.

Former KGB Member