We've been distracted ALOT lately, what with the ships, keep and the various other building projects we've been associated with - which is not a problem because those things are fun, but we need to buckle down.

I feel our character development is hurting, especially since a lot of people have to farm the money just to level up skills, compounded with the fact that they lose sets of gear that needs to be replaced whenever we go on these "fun" expiditions - equals a loss of characters.

We really need to buckle down, because there's always something to build. What happens if the alliance takes a new city? Will we accept andruk? How can we reject MC outright? A lot of KGB members have given a lot of keys and stored up money for the keep, money they could of spent leveling up skills. If we accept a city, I have no doubt, KGB members will give the rest of their banks to fund the city - something that will destroy any hopes that we'll get our characters up for pvp viability.

Not to mention the fact that, just by looking at PVE groups, our coordination is not even CLOSE to the point where i'm comfrotable we can compete with the best.

I hate to sound so negative once again, but it takes a LONG time to level up magic - if you're going that route. (And lets not forget the gold. Also, some people don't have a lot of time to play AND they don't macro, so they have to be efficent with their time) So a long time of uninterrupted skilling up is a plus for our members, the occational guild activity doesn't hurt to build group cohesion, but it shouldn't be at the cost of go-bags every time. (When we die) Doesn't matter for me, but in vent, people say they only have 300 gold, so it matters for them.

The guard towers should help us a BUNCH, though - considering we've been fending off people 24/7 lately.

Look, I hate to say it, because i'm preety sure 99% of people in KGB hate my negativity all tht time and tune me out ...

But I don't play this game to make friends. I don't play this game for PvE. I play this game for one reason, and one reason only. PvP. Organization. Field battle. And between the kracken trips, farming for the keep, discovering new spawns, considering building a city, and now our newest distraction, building KGB island - it seems like we're dedicating zero time to PvP.

This isn't wow. Building our character is not enough. You know how many Dominion players had magic fully leveled up? I'd say one or two groups full. But, lets bet honest, THEY SUCKED DICK coordination wise. Too hectic. This is what I want to drill into people's head, even with a good character, you can still suck.

It just seems that it's only a matter of time before MC moves out and we're going to take Andruk. What are we going to do? Say no? There's no one else with the members or the dedication to fund and build andruk. KGB's the ONLY option in the alliance. There's no way we say no and risk losing our new friends.

PVP takes practice. You don't get elite in one day, and if we want to hold hands and be friends all the time, and never get serious - we'll never have that elite, coordinated pvp group that I joined KGB to play with.

Last edited by Syloc; 12/22/09 12:08 PM.

Former KGB Member