Because they waste their time. They make scale suits, and banded suits, and they farm rocks, and they chop wood, and they mine iron.

There's no need. It's a waste of time. You don't need studded armor, you don't need banded armor, you don't need scale armor. Stop sinking your resources. The only time you should be harvesting is with an alt. All time spent on your main character should be grinding. If you're not clicking, you're not leveling.

All you need is bone sets, mounts, regs, and r40 weapons and r40 bows. It barely takes anything to make a couple r40 weapons, so you hardly have to mine at all.

The only thing I buy is regs. Period. End of story. I spend money on NOTHING but regs. (and r40s if i run out)

Last edited by Kay; 12/22/09 12:17 PM.

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