Originally Posted By: Squared

Oh yeah, I was looking at the Character Template, also known as the Charater Template post, but that was pre-expac. Is it still viable as a source of info?

This exact question came up in Vent last night from RocknRolla. Donk, Kaotic, Kay, and a couple others were in the channel. The general consensus that came out of the conversation was that the start of PvP viability begins in BASIC with something like this.

Starter Template

Any 1-Handed Weapon skill > 75
Any 2-Handed Weapon skill > 75
Parry Skill > 50
Archery Skill > 50
Lesser Magic > 50
Greater Magic > 50
Witchcraft > 75
Any 1 Elemental school > 50

Spells you should have: Heal Self, Heal Other, Witch's Brew, Sacrifice, Mana to Stam, Stam to Health, 1 Lvl 50 Elemental AoE

Anything beyond this is flavor to your play style. This is just a general guideline to get you to be able to really help in PvP situations even if your not the DPS monster in the group. Being able to cross heal and support those with higher level in game weapon/magic skills is just as important as actually being the person dropping the Magic/Melee bomb's.

Well balanced, well designed, support role build's are just as important as those who charged up the Elemental magic's to get all the AoE dmg spells and are doing all the monster magic dps.


Kay is spot on about leveling up your toons skills. You can hunt hobgoblins north of andruk, get all the R40 Bows, R40 1HD Sword, R30 1HD Clubs, R20 1HD Axe's, and Shields, you could ever want. In an hours time with a minimum group of three, you can easily farm 1-2k gold for each of you doing only melee and archery to kill the mobs. Bingo, your set for the night for regs and your building your cache of weapons. The only reason you could have for not building your toon is not having the time to actually do it if you don't want too or can't macro afk.

Last edited by Tasorin; 12/22/09 04:28 PM.

Don't make me have'ta Troll ya Bro!