We roll in groups on day 1. You can't be at your best by NOT rolling with your military group. And we have ZERO blood wall skills.

When I fight with Donk or Dunlop or Kay (whoever) I know what they are going to do given the number of enemies, terrain, etc, because I have fought with them for 3 months.

By contrast Spool was asking for some help with a pvper the other day and when I ran in to engage this gal, who had apparently taken out Spools pve group, I expected Spoool to start attacking while I engaged the enemy. Instead he ran over the hill toward town away from the fight.

I am not bagging on Spool but it's an example of 2 (or could be more) people never having fought together in battle. When he called for help I assumed he wanted help fighting the player and I engaged them on sight but he was alerting the clan and looking for more backup than just me I suppose.

Duo's are great but you really need to get into a larger raiding party. It doesn't have to be a full group of 10 but 6-7 in a group out raiding is going to get some good experience and most importantly start to mesh as a fighting unit.

Having an objective and knowing when to press and when to tactically retreat are also key elements of a successful raid.

Good luck everyone keep after it.