In Khosgar this was a nightly occurance. We had gold farming groups nightly maybe several runs. At times we had multiple groups out. Initially a general lack of the mob camps around Andruk discouraged similar groups. I also think the organization of those groups is going to pick up now that Tasho/Jaguar is in charge of the gold farming and has some help.

I believe both Scrawl and Mor Lander have been promoted and were willing to help with some of the organization of pve groups. Mor was just promoted today and Scrawl is on vacation this weekend so maybe give them until next week sometime to get things going.

I think there will be a cycle to new players coming in and getting skilled up and moving onto pvp. Part of what KGB will try to do is maintain leaders who can run these groups as needed. I have ran a few of these groups so in a pinch me or other leaders can pitch in.

This is a weakness for us right now - gold farming for members and clan so I think you will see it addressed quickly.