Thanks for the comments so far. Again I really need to stress, that this isn't a complaint and that most of our guys are REALLY helpfull, in a all areas. We just need to up the effort in skill-up.

And remember we lowbies can be employed for others tasks besides killing duty. Yesterdaym, I went far south with Hare and Mor Lander, to farm som Bile and I only shot a few arrows throughuot the whole session. My primary focus was lookout, so Mor and Hare could focus on killing mobs fast and skinning them. It worked out fine and I did successfully report enemies approaching, resulting in our safe escape with valuable loot.

I will gladly "pay" for my protection in skill-up groups with a lookout duty as described above, once in a while. If there's some special reag or mat you seasoned guys need, I'll gladly farm it for ya as payment for noob-duty, as I firmly believe in value for value exchanges ;-).

I know you've been starting farming groups almost every day and I hope you know that it is appreciated. This is one example of our seasoned guys helping out.

Kind regards
AllYourBase AreBelongToUs / Borne OfFire

Dude: "My thief BS for 800 dmg! Omfg, omfg, lawl, noobzorz"
AYB (drunk): "Do people take damage from being bullshitted? WTF???"