You know something that's been nagging around in my head is something that I saw SN do a couple of nights ago, and that is, concentrate focus fire on targets that overextend past their line, i.e. a 2h user who's hitting on a person that's parrying.

I think my thought process at this point, is to develop an easy and effective way to introduce people into pvp combat without having to force them to lose sets upon sets of armor, not out of some sort of attachment I have to armor, just the inefficency of that process.

My going theory, at least at this point, is if we can train/develop people to be good at 1v1,2v2, etc etc and different situtations, (1v2, 2v3, etc) the transition into group play will be that much more effective.

So far, nothing teaches you more about staying alive than doing a 1v1 or 1v2. Little tricks like memorizing the key strokes that allows me to hit mana to stam then switch back to my bow within 2-3 seconds, has saved me more than once.

At the very least, practicing archery aim versus real targets, can be achieved through this method.

Hare, I'm preety sure we're talking about the same focal points of combat - and at this point it's more about execution and practice rather than theory.

Thanks for clarifying. Thoughts are abound! It's about time we got everyone on the same page.

Former KGB Member