KGB needs some kind of gear reimbursement program for official pvp [not responces to pks]. This really helps get more people involved and aggressive.

This is in the works, but is really hard to iron out. Tasho and I were brainstorming last night about this very thing.

One thing I can say...I'vee reimbursing players in MY groups gear if gear is looted (ask Fraq) to the best of my ability. I've also been master looting gear in PVP when it can be safely done to hand it out to party members and stock pile some in the clan bank for reimbursment.

Believe me..I want the PVPers out PVPing. No questions about that. I'm trying to do everything in my ability to make this possible so the guys who want to PVP can without having to spend hours farming. To DO this, we need a guild wide effort in stockpiling GOOD armor in the clan bank. When a backlog of armor is created, the PVP groups should be self sufficient in supplying thier own gear and hopefully mounts.

The bottom line is..there is no clear cut way to accomplish any of this without taxation of SOME sort....so we're trying to get it done by volunteerism alone right now.

I personally farmed for two days straight to supply Revco and Cith with thier introductory Champion sets that are crafted plate enchanted weapons food resin, etc. (Kay and Hare farmed alot as well. Hare supplied the weapons by himself). So ya...my point is: I'm doing all I can do keep everyone geared. At some point, people have to step up and help us out. No one, leadership or otherwise, can do it all alone.

Former KGB Member