I don't have a ton of time to elaborate but the 1h w/ shield vs 2h made me think about something I'd like to drill into people...

Darkfall is a game of attrition. It is NOT a rush, do as much dmg as you can game. You MUST ave patience to be any good at PVP in DFO.

For instance: I win almost every 2v1 I get into in open field because they come at me hard and fast. Parry is incredibly overpowered. I can make them do almost NO dmg to me while they waste their stamina swinging at me. I also have good twitch reflexes so I hit 2h people right after I parry them since 1h weapons swing fast. I have high elemental skills as well as decent archery skills. I have alot of weapons at my disposal..but MOST of all, I PVP ALOT do I know what to do in different situations. I lost ALOT of gear learning these hard lessons, and some of you will too, but it's just pixels.

Go out, follow orders, loose sometimes, win sometimes, and you get better.

Patience is a virtue. Win DFO by using attrition to you advantage.

Former KGB Member