Combat is about staying alive, Hare is 100% right; however in my experience the first thing you've got to realize is your weaknesses and strengths. Running away when your low on stam is NOT cowardly, it's a tactic, and even though you may see other gankers that don't fight when they're outnumbered and it may seem cowardly to you, it probably isn't.

Although I would agree we should ALWAYS respond to gankers if close to the city, I would hesitate to rely on this to get better in pvp; because, lets face it, your just responding to gankers that are in enemy territory and most of the time you have the advantage of numbers.

Dunlop and Hare have been organizating groups for raiding (and since i'm PST I can never get in them unfortunatly) and I think that does 10x more for your skill in combat than waiting for gankers ever will. You have to take the initative, and realize that gear, while cool, isn't the name of the game.

Yesterday, Arjuna and I were dukeing it out - and while we didn't actually gain any gold or gear, I would able to work on my aim alittle, get a little bit used to the jump shot, and then get raped by Runo's Run and Gun Magic Missle a little.

Be PROACTIVE, not reactive. Waiting for pvp is the best way to NOT get good at pvp. Go with Hare and Dunlop the next time they go out, or join us in duels during the evenings in 1v1s or 2v2s when I'm asking in vent, or hell, even go out by yourself.

In UO, KGB used to train and have scrimmages versus veterans and new guys, being proactive about their battle skills rather than just fighting random newbs, so they could win against the best not the worst. (At least that's what i've read and what people have told me)

There's no reason it can't work in DFO too.

Last edited by Syloc; 04/23/09 12:31 PM.

Former KGB Member