A quick side topic, if any of you haven't read through the DF website in awhile, they've done some minor updates here and there. Some new pics in the race section, a couple of new monster types added with pics. As Taos put it, giving the current website a face lift is their current plan but probably after beta starts and is well on its way they plan to create a whole new web site "worthy to display DF on."


Good to know they plan on making a much more complex homesite. It needs to have atleast all of the same features the DAOC web site had like stat pages, character profile look up, guild rankings and look ups etc, as well as region maps of who owns what. If only Darkfall had stock we could buy into, i'd buy it and then bet it on the guess that DF will have a very well put together web site with a plethera of features like mentioned above.

"It's not enough to win... others have to lose."
-Stephen Colbert 'Colbert Report'
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