Hmm, WTC I honestly do not see the reason for this. If the duties do not change and the responsibilities remain the same, how is simply changing the name supposed to make things better? The Senate was always confrontational, and that was always part of the responsibilities and the importance of the job, a heavy full time weight sure but worthy of ones time and energy if taken seriously as the honor it was. What's to stop infighting in this new iteration? There will always be differing opnions, I think the real crux of the problem was that some had thin skin and others just liked confrontation too much yet lacked valid arguments to support their opinions. As a former senator I can honestly say that while a lot of my policy went unsupported and completely disregarded, what policy did go forward I was damned proud of, the fight it took always worthy, and ultimately worth the effort when it finally did. That sense of satisfation can't be described. I will always love KGB and what it stands for, and I will (and did) respect everyone I interacted with both as a Knight and as a Senator. Did I have some epic arguments on the Senate floor? Yes but I never hated my fellow Senators. This new development seems to simply change the name and try and dumb down the process of the Senate doing little to change the processes or responsibilities, unless I am simply not seeing the logic and/or the new changes. However after reading this twice now I really don't know what's changed except the name and apparently the importance or priorities of this once august branch of government. Did the senate suggest this change, sign off on it, or was it mandated by the crown authority? Did Owain support this? Especially after his most recent appointment? Talk about getting the shaft. Here I'm going to take your crown awarded posting and dump it in the flaming dumpster and give you a safe space instead, therapy pet optional. Please explain as I have a small toaster for a brain. You can kick violators of the principles of this High Council but you could do that when the Senate was active too, and quite honestly if you go around kicking people for causing a disagreement everytime someone simply farts in someone elses general direction you'll find yourself with not much of a counsil. having little more then two loose marbles rolling around in the chamber hardly able to do you any real good, simply being yes men trying to help you keep the machine rolling irregardless of the good for KGB.

As always, In service to KGB

Oh and BTW it's my 50th brithday today....God help me.

PS as a side note I'd like to contribute again while I wait to join KGB in a game, it would certainly keep me more sober, that of course means I would completely understand if I was denied.

Last edited by Drakiis; 03/15/22 07:10 PM.

I am Wrath, I am Steel, I am the Mercy of Angels.
mors est merces mea – death is my reward
morte in vitam non habet tenaci - Death has no grip on Life.
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