Originally Posted By: Goriom
Originally Posted By: Arkh
About the US intelligence agencies: remember the fuckers lied to get the Iraq war going. They also hacked the Senate because they did not like being under scrutiny.

There are 16 or 17 US intelligence agencies that have said the Russians had a hand in the hacking. Are you saying they are all lying?

In the US/UK Intel arena, much like the US MSM, one outlet will publish something, and the rest will pick it up and repeat it without so much as a cursory fact check. How do you think Iraq was baking that 'yellowcake'? Or how the same lying Iraqi defector, codenamed Curveball, resulted in so many "independent" analysis pointing the finger at Iraq WMD capabilities? Same guy, same deposition, yet how many agencies on both sides of the Atlantic "independently verified" Iraq's WMD program and intent?

It was interesting, just last night I was reading an article in the Washington Post (a link is actually in Sini's Schneier blog link) about how happy the Russians were that Trump won. Even though, buried in the article, it still did remind the reader that the Russians being happy wasn't technically proof - it was still obvious that the intent was to support the going narrative. Thus, how it ends up being linked by pro-Ruskies-did-it security bloggers. How disingenuous. Seriously.

I still find it laughable that providing true information, that is in-context (yes, it would be different if the emails were incomplete and out of context) is now, somehow, 'interference' in the democratic process. But hey, when even the WashPost will bend itself over backwards to push a narrative, and ignore the basic, fundamental premise - what can we expect?

For who could be free when every other man's humour might domineer over him? - John Locke (2nd Treatise, sect 57)