Originally Posted By: Azulla
Nazar as a server is so different to Ollo. last night taking packs to freed there was a low geared red doing solz packs. I was like lets get him but after we do our packs. i jumped on his un-owners marked hauler just to say hey you should keep an eye on that. took our packs handed them in and then he followed. we let him hand the hauler in and kyle hit freed and killed the alt. the guy took his hauler over to the nui the alt was at letting his boat blow up so we took the rest of the packs and handed them in. All he said to us was thanks for letting him get the first hauler in. no shout pvp nothing just thanks and went on his merry.

From what i've seen talking to other people who have been on NAzar for a while is that no ctrl only does world content.. they dont really come out to do anything else. so all trading and open world stuff has been largely free for all. which is why when we go out trade regulating we are able to get multiple full trade ships of packs and they only ever have 1-2 people on em..