well, good info to know. I've just used this time to take a break completely from the game other than just making a little gold to complete my armor & start my weapon ambitions for when things get officially sorted out across the board. Then I can come back to whatever server, & faction well rested & better geared ready to wreck some face :)

very sorry to hear there's been further snags regarding Nazar & making allies. I kinda expected it though just because it's kinda the "norm" these days.

individual guilds never last, their rise & fall is usually fairly fast in regards to the big picture & long term gaming. Hopefully you guys can find a gaming community like ourselves to ally with that can weather the storm with us.

as for me, I'm still on ollo, rarely play atm, but have been kicking around with Angelic Order. they do have a neutral agreement (as of a few days ago) with impacto but as many of you may already know, disaster has pretty much hi-jacked the guild impacto & hold it hostage. their plans are unknown even to impacto etc. (ironic eh?)

if anyone wants more info on that issue, feel free to contact me & I'll seek out some inside info from the impacto side via AO. make no mistake, I'm KGB all the way :).

as for everything else, best of luck getting things sorted out, & as my schedule lightens up I'll get on & holla at you guys, I definitely miss playing with you all!

take care! CY-GUY OUT
