



No surprise here! I think Derid would be an excellent HC and he has definitely been our DF guy thus far =)

/agree with Garal

He's been an obvious choice for a long time. My only reservation is that many months ago I asked him if he'd want to be it and he was unsure about it. The Desire to lead is part of what makes a leader great

Actually, it's the opposite. Those with enough humility to see life through the eyes of their followers, have more empathy for them, and thus, know what it takes to inspire those followers through sincere objectives - all that is required is that they have the potential to lead, not the desire. Those with the burning desire to lead are often selfish and will screw their own followers over to obtain their own objectives. As a Knight, the former is much more preferrable than the latter - take this from a former Active Duty USMC Sergeant that put up with more spoiled Butter-bar Lieutenants than you can shake a stick at. The only good lower-ranking officers I've met were former enlisted that understood the life of a soldier from the ground up.

If Derid is unsure about taking up this position and not stepping on heads to get it - then he IS the perfect person for the job. The only other option I see it is to appoint Rahl.

Wow, Crim, since you were incredibly blunt to say what I just said was completely incorrect, I will not hesitate to return the favor.

You make a good point that a self serving leader is no leader at all, and my original statement said nothing contrary to this either... however, a statement like
"If Derid is unsure about taking up this position... then he IS the perfect person for the job."

Would have to be one of the most blatantly incorrect statements I've heard since Bush saying "Mission complete" for Iraq.

No great leader at any point in history ever had this discussion...
"Come'on Billy lead the army against the barbarians, the city is like gonna be taken over! You're a really great guy, and a super leader you should do it!"
*cheers from other friends*: "Yeah Billy, totally, do it dude! WE believe in you even if you don't!"
Billy: "Aaah gee guys, I just dont really want to lead, the moment I have to stay up an hour later than I usually do because I have to deal with some "team" issues I'm gonna be super pissed..."
Billy's friends: "No way Billy, You Can Do It! Hooray!"

Billy then accepted being general of the roman armies and went on to defeat the Gauls.

You'll have to excuse me, since I went to a Hawaiian highschool, but that historical conversation wasn't in our books.

Having the "potential" for great things is what every drug overdosed teen in America has. A billion times a day kids all over the US are said to have such great potential or to be "really smart". But you know why they all end up working at UPS? Because they Lack the DESIRE, to be something more. Humans are naturally tend toward laziness, if you don't have DESIRE to fuel you beyond this innate characteristic, then you become yet another one of the millions of people with "alot of potential". But sadly Potential doesn't feed the kids and potential doesn't stop your country from being overran by the enemy.

The desire to fight back, the desire to improve, the desire to drag you hairy ass out of bed at fucking 4:30 in the freezing morning hours of the day to get to work on time is what feeds your ungrateful kids that are just chaulk full of "potintial".

When Derid takes his proper place as H.C. for the DF I want him to fucking desire it, like leading this faction is the air he breaths! I want him to wake up in the morning and be like, Fuck going to work, the city in game needs ALOT of upgrades and I need to organize which buildings get it first and where the NPCs will be located. He NEEDS TO DESIRE IT like if it was a real life responsibility, that people's lives depend on him, their homes and farms (DF is supposed to have farms at some point) When he's eating his cheerios at breakfast I want him tasting the conquest he's about to help lead in Darkfall, it needs to be a taste he loves a taste he can't do without, an addiction that he thinks about all day, he must Desire it like the lucky score after a prom date.

There is not a single self-made successful person in this world who got that way because he had all the potential in the world... they had potential that they turned into success through the effort that desire produces. You must have that catalyst to move to a higher plane or else you're just a fat lazy body of Potential energy sitting in place wasting time and space.

Why are you so defensive about this? People disagree about things all the time. This argument I'm making is simply very founded through my military experience.

Your analogy, although funny, is again incorrect. It should read: "Derid hasn't been foaming at the mouth and knocking over heads to get this leadership position; therefore, we at least know that he hasn't given anyone a reason not to promote him. This may even be an indicator, although not a positive one, that he may have the constraint to see the forest for the trees, and understand those working with and beneath his station."

Now if Derid had been foaming at the mouth for this position, I would be hesitant to regard him DUE to my solid experience dealing with poor leadership via officers in the USMC. Every single one that I met with this "Burning desire to lead" has fucked over his troops over and over again while sucking up to superior rank to get what he wanted. All three officers of whom I knew in the Marines that pulled this shit were relieved of duty. Period.

All this other nonsense about potheads with potential in highschool or what-have-you, really has nothing to do with the leadership, or lack-there-of, that I'm talking about. Comparing officers with/without military leadership to druggies in high school is like comparing rifles to...bongs.

Sorry that this may have offended you, although that wasn't the intent. I just know quite a lot about this particular subject, and I wasn't about to let it slide by.

Anyway, Derid has been working hard on organizing things for Darkfall online, without tooting his own horn or asking for much in return. Can't see why he shouldn't be "The Man" for this faction - If I'm wrong in this, please correct me.

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